Freedom is in the Mind

The power of hope theory for people in and released from prison.

Freedom is in the Mind is a hope project for people in and released from prison, founded by David Adlington-Rivers, as part of his academic research into the benefits of hope theory in forensic applications. The project began in 2017 and the underpinning research is designed to understand how hope in prisons and on release from prison can be used to help turn situations of despair into hopeful moments and lasting achievements for people who are experiencing prison or former prisoners. The research also explores how hope can be used to reduce reoffending in the community post-release.

The objectives of the project are to educate practitioners in criminal justice on the benefits of forensic hope interventions, to provide self-help resources for people in and released from prison, to further academic research in this important area of forensic-positive psychology, and to influence policymakers on prison and probation reform.

This project website contains information, updates and resources about forensic hope.

Resources and services

Self-help book for people in prison

Freedom is in the Mind is a self-help book for people in prison, and is available in some prison libraries, or from Amazon (including Kindle).

The book focuses on providing hope and motivation to people in prison and former prisoners. It aims to help them move from feelings of hopelessness, to a position of hope and belief in the future. The book is based on hope research, and offers practical tools to improve mental health and wellbeing. The book is also a valuable resource for families of people in prison, prison officers, probation officers, criminologists, policymakers, and other professionals engaged in criminal justice.

Articles on forensic hope

There are a number of articles on forensic hope, authored by David Adlington-Rivers.

Consultancy and training

If you are interested in forensic hope consultancy or specialist training for your organisation, please use the contact form on the Contact page, and we will be in touch to discuss your specific requirements.

“Logic will get you from A to B, but imagination will take you everywhere.”

– Albert Einstein

Freedom is in the Mind - the book, focuses on providing hope and motivation to people in prison and those who have been released. It aims to help them move from feelings of hopelessness to a position of hope and belief in the future. The book is a self-help book based on hope research, offering practical guidance and tools to improve health and wellbeing.

The book is also a valuable resource for families of prisoners, prison officers, probation officers, criminilogists and other professionals involved in criminal justice.

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